2225 E. Bayshore Road, #260
Palo Alto, California 94303, USA
Contact: VentureChoice.com

Manage your career. Maximize your potential.


Founded in 2012, Talentral enables professionals to actively manage their careers and showcase their expertise and accomplishments for exploring career opportunities. Talentral has developed a Portfolio Management Platform where professionals can store and manage all their career accomplishments in one easily accessible place. The platform supports all relevant media types to capture every possible detail (video, images, PDF, links, etc.). Within the platform, professionals can create rich media profiles that enable them to share their achievements in a uniquely differentiated way. Members may have one public and many private profiles to address the specific requirements of a given opportunity. Profiles are published through managed URLs which provide privacy management and valuable analytics. The platform uses proprietary algorithms and other techniques to optimize the profiles for search engines.


Kamyar Faron, Founder & CEO and Jonathan Tsai, Co-founder & CTO are entrepreneurs with extensive business and technology background. Their expertise in talent management, business development and software technologies uniquely qualifies them to deliver this comprehensive platform.


Founder's Message


News and Updates

- On July 23, Talentral formally announced the availability of its portfolio management platform. Since then it has been gaining users steadily.


- October 10, 2013 Talentral covered by Forbes









© 2013 Talentral Inc. All Rights Reserved.