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Global Opportunity within Reach ...

A food processing equipment manufacturer in Brazil. A computer networking company in the United States. A German aerospace equipment company. What do these firms have in common? Though regional companies, all compete in a highly competitive global marketplace. Both customers and competitors are as likely to be found across town or across an ocean.

Just as their customers are global, so are potential acquisitions, strategic partners, and acquirers. The unrelenting forces of globalization, combined with escalating industry consolidation, means access to strategically located buyers and sellers is a business imperative.

With this increase in opportunity comes a dramatic increase in complexity - navigating the language, cultural, legal and financial differences between countries and companies. Establishing trust in unfamiliar territory.
Maintaining relationships across time zones. Choosing the right advisor to help navigate and leverage these differences has never been more important.

That's where VentureChoice comes in. VentureChoice is an exclusive global marketplace for the Merger & Acquisition sector. Individually, VentureChoice users are leaders in their respective geographies and industry specialties. United by their global partnership, they bring unmatched expertise and resources to middle-market transactions.

Middle-market transactions, typically between US$5 million and US$250 million, are significantly different than the large deals that make headlines. Strategic fit and a good match between management teams are much more important than just financial multiples and ratios. VentureChoice users bring industry specific knowledge and by truly understanding the client's
business, are able to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers of varying size and complexity. As experts in middle-market deals, VentureChoice users can help insure the long-term success of the transaction far after the closing date.


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